Android 1.1 SDK, release 1 Now Available

Hello, developers! As you may have heard by now, users around the world have started to receive updates to their Android devices that provide new features and functionality. You may also have noticed that the new update reports as "Android 1.1". Applications written with the 1.0_r1 and 1.0_r2 SDKs will continue to work just fine on Android 1.1. But if you want to take advantage of the new APIs in 1.1, you'll need an updated SDK.

That's why I'm pleased to let you know that the Android 1.1 SDK, release 1 is now available. As you'll quickly see from the release notes, the actual API changes are quite minor, but useful. This new SDK has all the new APIs, as well as a new emulator image to let you test your applications. If you have a retail device running Android, contact your operator for the update schedule. An updated v1.1 system image for the Android Developer Phone 1 will be coming soon.

In addition to the new APIs, the emulator also contains improved ability to test localizations to the German language. Localizations for other languages will be added in future SDK releases.

You can download the updated SDK using the links above. Happy coding!


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