Top Ovi Store games and gamers

Proper games on mobile phones have been a godsend for commuters, kids and, well, everyone else, too. But which games have topped the charts on Ovi Store in the latest count? And, more intriguingly perhaps, which countries put the most time into mobile gaming? Hint: I’m British and mostly proud of it, but I’m not sure that the results below represent our finest hour…

The new generation of Symbian devices has seen a real shift in the numbers downloading and playing mobile games, thanks to a better Ovi Store perhaps, but also better games and the graphics acceleration built into the devices. But which are the most popular on the new devices? Here they are, according to the latest figures from the stats-fiends at the Store:

Need for Speed Shift HD
Angry Birds Lite
Marble Maze Classic
Galaxy On Fire
Skiller WallBall
KORa Deluxe (Not available in the UK – is it good?)
Bounce Boing Battle
Cube Touch XXL
Air Hockey Touch – Free
Soccer Bounce

The full version of Rovio’s Angry Birds retains its title as the top paid game.

But what of the top countries for gaming? Well, according to the stats we’ve received, which tracked only Nokia N8 users, it goes like this. These are the countries that downloaded the highest percentage of the total number of games:

UK 13.3 percent
India 10 percent
Italy 7.7 percent
Germany 6.6 percent
China 5.5 percent
Russia 5.2 percent

The UK is in the number one spot for something, for once! But we’re a tiny country compared to most, so I wonder why we’re such big mobile game consumers? My guesses:

We’re relatively well-off, compared to a lot of the world, so more smartphones generally.
We got the Nokia N8 fairly early compared to some countries: the results may change a lot in the coming months.
A lot of us, especially around London, have long, boring commutes on public transport.
Unlimited, flat-rate data contracts are now pretty standard.
According to the information I’ve been able to gather, the UK is already a nation of heavy computer and console gamers.

Any more reasons you can add to the pool? And Indian readers, what’s your excuse?


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