Mobile Experience Asia: Camera Galore

I have an uncle in Taipei whom I’ve spoken less than 100 words all of my life. Largely because this guy is a big time scholar and I just never have the right things to talk to him about (and the fact that I’ve lived in US most of my life).

This time, however, things are a bit different. I brought my Nikon D80 everywhere I go; and my uncle and I started to talk a lot more all because of my new found interest in photography. It turns out that he has been an avid collector of some fine equipment since the 80s (mostly using macro shots for his work as a marine biologist).

He ended up taking me to a famous neighborhood in Taipei known as the “Camera Rows”. Think of having JR, Adorama, Ritz Camera and B&H all together and multiply by 10 in one small grid. Prices here are competitive (but I have noticed does offer similar pricing). Considering these are brick and mortar operation, the price is right.

Please find some photos of the “Camera Rows” and a private collection of my uncle’s treasured film cameras (ie. Hassleblad 503cx, Leica R7, Leica minilux, Minolta Dynamax 7000i, Nikon FM2.

Fun fact: Did you know Leica is working closely with Panasonic in developing digital cameras…? In fact, the Panasonic LUMIX LX2 is a popular point and shoot using Leica’s lens design, this model is often sold out due to popularity (now I am on the hunt for one!!!)

Camera Collection Gallery:

Taipei "Camera Rows" Gallery:


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