Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 vs HTC Desire Z pics

Here are some pics comparing the Sony Ericsson X10 and the HTC Desire Z. The boxes are the same slide out style. The finish on the X10 box is slightly nicer but the box of the Desire Z is more solid. As I mentioned in my previous post, the X10 is lighter and thinner but just a tad larger in surface area. The Desire Z feels way more solid and well built in the hand because of the metal. The X10 has the advantage of the larger screen but I found the Desire Z's super LCD just brighter, sharper and more colorful. It also has better visibility in direct sunlight. I found the Desire Z's screen also more responsive. The X10 also has problems with the unresponsiveness at the edge of the screen. In terms of performance the Desire blows the X10 away...not only in benchmarks but also in normal usage such as apps, gales and just flicking through the UI. HTC Sense is just gorgeous and was more useful and fluid than Sony Ericsson's UXP. The camera of the X10 is slightly better than the Desire Z. The keyboard makes the Desire Z thicker and heaver but having a hardware keyboard makes typing long emails a breeze plus I use it as a controller for my beloved emulators. In conclusion, I am happy that I am switching over from Sony Ericsson to HTC. Perhaps Sony Ericsson's future flagship Android phones will lure me back. As much as I love Sony Ericsson...the Desire Z is just simply better.


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