Information about the plugs in the test regime on the maps Of google

Google starts in the test regime the service, which reports information about the plugs on the roads of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. In order to see it on the map, it is necessary to include the layer “of plug” (to the right above on the maps).

The part of the information comes from the suppliers of company, and other - from the users of the mobile maps Of google. Further with the aid of the special algorithms information is processed and after this is mapped onto map. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to solve many questions: for example, as to determine pedestrians and not to take into consideration obtained from them given, because they practically always move more slowly than automobiles.

Simultaneously with this service stores the history of data, and user can look not only the current road situation, but also plugs in the specific time and specific day of week. Simultaneously with the usual maps of plug they became accessible, also, on the mobile maps Of google, for this it is simply necessary to include the appropriate layer on the map.

For the designation of road situation are used 4 colors, which indicate the following (in the brackets they are given the corresponding speeds for the roads with a permitted maximum speed of 60 km/h):

* black- red strips - all is bad, motion minimum, not more than 15% permitted speed (to 10 km/h)
* red - strongly difficult motion, is not more than 40% permitted speed (10-25 km/h)
* orange - motion with the difficulties, to 75% of speed (25-45 km/h)
* green - motion without the interferences (from 45 km/h and above)


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