Today, we learn that Microsoft is planning on ditching, nay killing, the Windows Mobile brand. What about Windows Mobile 6.5? Windows Mobile 7? Nope, it’ll be known as Windows Phone. The change also applies to past WinMo platforms. From this point forward all Windows Mobile 6.x operating systems will be referred to as Windows Phone.
Rather than stick with a household (at least in the mobile world) name like Windows Mobile, Microsoft wants to distance themselves from all the bad press that the Windows Mobile platform has generated over the years. There’s also talk of “un-boggling” consumers’ minds so that the brand “reflects the upcoming desktop operating system release where people away from their PC can have the same experience everywhere.” Right, now we’re all less confused.
So, to recap. If this report is on point, Windows Mobile is no more. Windows Phone, people. Learn it, love it.
[Via: TheInquirer]
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